Movie Battles v0 Hack (almost) complete

Pretty much as the title says really, I have finished porting my Movie battles hack to v0.

In addition to a few cleanups in the code, I changed the aimbot from aiming at the the models origin, to aiming at the chest bone (from the Ghoul2 animation system). This should make it a bit more accurate, as I am assuming that mb2 uses ghoul2 tracing for blaster bolt collision detection.

It also means that with a few changes, I can make the aimbot pick between shooting at different bones based on which ones are out in the open, by running a trace to the head, chest, hands, and feet. The bones that are not occluded will be aimed at based on priority of damage (Head first, then anything else), go headshotbot!.


Unfortunately, the lag compensation is still not 100% perfect (pings above 150ish through the accuracy of the ruptor off).


There is still no prediction for weapons, so the disruptor is the only gun it works with. I have plans to change this though, with a  bit of maths, it shouldn’t prove too hard to calculate the angle of interception based on the player direction, player speed, weapon speed, and distance. This would make for epic lols with close range pistol headshots/etc.



As to a release date:

I am being pestered a lot on servers by people that want me to release it. But I am still on the fence about the whole thing.

After releasing the last version of the hack, and seeing entire servers use it, I fear for what releasing this version would do to the MB2 community.


Unlike a larger game like Counter Strike, the MB2 community does not comprise of hundreds of thousands of players, so aimbotting and wallhacking is a lot more obvious (and harmful?).


Anyway, comment on this blog post with whether I should release it or not, and for what reasons.

Movie Battles 2 v0

I’ve finally got my pc set up in my new flat and adsl piped in from Sky, no sky tv though (damn rules against having a dish on the house).


After receiving a number of emails asking me if I have any plans to update my Movie Battles hack to work with the new v0 patch, I have decided that yes, I will.


After having a quick dabble into the new patch, it looks as if nothing much has changed. Which is good, as it should not take long to get a beta version up and running.


SAC on the other hand, will be harder to work around. Although from what I hear, no one uses it (and when I went online to look for servers, none were running it) so it may be a bit of a moot point.


Stay posted for progress updates.

Eve online killboard metagaming, with libcurl and regex

A few days ago in Eve Online, the alliance which I am a member of was declared war on (a pretty common occurence in the game). 
Taking a quick look at the killboard of this warring corp got me thinking about a project i previously added to the “program it later” pile (a pile that is growing at an alarming rate). Anyway, looking at the prevalence of eve dev killboards (open source php and mysql, I host one myself here, my idea was to knock up a little app which grabs the killboard homepage of a specified corp, grabs all killmail links, grabs these pages and parses the name, corp, (alliance), location and ship of everyone involved in the kill.

The net result: a full list of members, what ships they like to fly, and where… very useful.

The technical side, if anyone is interested, would be using libcurl to pull the main page, and regular expressions (i am using boost::regex) ti detect appropriate names and links.

Work is progressing at speed, with the basic functionality implemented,all that is left now is to pretty print the results.

Also, as libcurl and regex are both available in php, an interesting side project would be to port it over, allowing it to be used from a website (as opposed to .exe download). php would also allow for easier formatting of the output data (portraits of characters and ships).

Stay tuned for the full app, which will be posted when it is complete :-).